March 7, Apple released a firmware update iOS 5, giving users a number of new features. In just a couple of weeks, 61% of all iPad and iPhone users worldwide have installed iOS 5.1. And more than half of all devices from Apple over the world.
This result was David Smith, the developer of Audiobooks for iOS. Programmer conducted its own research in the field updates. For more detailed data it is worth remembering November 10, when Apple released iOS 5.0.1. Starting with this firmware version users can upgrade mode OTA, as if to speak in simple words - "on air". March 7 all have that same opportunity - to update a "cloud".
What do you think, how popular was the function OTA? Unexpectedly, but more than anything.
David presented the data in the form of diagrams, which we will try to "decipher."
First, as of March 6, less than 2% of the users 'sitting' on firmware iOS 3 to iOS 4 was approximately 21% Last Seen on iOS 5.0 - 2% and 5.0.1 as much as 75%. To date, the numbers have changed.
Firmware 3.X, 4, X and 5.0 remain at the same level, but 5.0.1 has slipped to 18% and 61% occurred in users of 5.1.
Of these, 77% of the updated "on air".
Here it is worth considering the fact that iOS 5.1 is not compromised and, as you can see, people do not rush to jailbreak and for the most part - it is a good indicator of "good faith" the owners of i-devices.